How does a laser distance sensor work?


측정 기능

측정 기능

빔 형태

다양한 크기와 측정 범위 외에도 빔 형태 역시 중요한 역할을 합니다. 지속적인 개발 덕분에 Baumer는 이제 새로운 측정 원리 "멀티 스폿"을 이용하여 세 가지 서로 다른 빔 형태를 제공합니다.

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Time of Flight(작동 시간 측정)

With the time-of-flight measurement method distances are measured indirectly by measuring the time required by a signal to travel the length of the range to be covered. This translates into the real world as follows: a sender unit is emitting a burst signal which, when reflected by an object, is picked up by the sensor's receiver. The sensor's electronics evaluates the time elapsed and/or the phase-shift encountered which is then converted into distance information. By applying the run time technology objects can be detected precisely and reliably even at long distances.

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