Baumer는 이미 혁신, 디자인, 품질과 같은 다양한 카테고리에서 국내 및 국제적인 수상경력을 가지고 있습니다. 다양한 전문가 심사단에 의한 수상은 Baumer의 품질과 개척 정신에 대한 상징입니다. 

최근의 당상 수상에 대해 살펴보십시오.

최근 뉴스 보관소

Baumer ultrasonic sensor UF200 wins AutomationsBest Award

New NexSonic ultrasonic sensor UF200 from Baumer wins the AutomationsBest Award. With NexSonic, Baumer has developed a measurably better ultrasonic technology. It enables very fast response times, an extremely short blind range and smart filter functions, opening up new ways for smart automation.

Baumer GigE Vision camera wins inspect award 2024

The user-friendly all-in-one concept of the new IX cameras from Baumer is already attracting particular attention shortly after its market launch. The compact camera cube, which combines autofocus, optics and lighting in a robust housing, has now been awarded first place in the inspect award.

Baumer ultrasonic sensor named 2024 Top New Product

US trade magazine OEM Off-Highway has selected the UF401V as one of the outstanding new mobile on- and off-road equipment products of 2024.

바우머, Frost & Sullivan 글로벌 공정 센서 부문 올해의 Enabling Technology Leadership Award 수상.

자동화 업계의 센서 솔루션 선도 회사인 바우머는 Frost & Sullivan 으로부터  글로벌 공정 센서 부분  올해의 Enabling Technology Leadership Award를 수상했다고 발표했다.

Ultra-flat Baumer inductive sensor is product of the year

Readers of the German specialist magazine Computer&Automation voted the IF250 high-performance inductive sensor the product of the year for 2024.

Award-winning performance for process automation

Baumer is constantly searching for better intelligent sensor solutions in process automation that provide measurable added value to customers. At Baumer, innovations are the result of continuous investment in the comprehensive product portfolio for pressure, level, temperature, flow and media analysis.
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