Shape from shading – what is it?

Shape from shading is an inclination and curvature measuring 3D technique used in automated quality control. Mainly applied in inline surface inspection and particularly on flat surfaces, it ensures reliable detection of surface irregularities such as cracks, scratches, pores or notches.

In one method, the object under inspection is illuminated from four different directions, one after the other. Each direction is captured by gray scale imaging. The inclination and curvature information provided by the surface shading is used in image evaluation to identify the surface quality. This method ensures reliable detection of tiny irregularities in the structure geometry even on highly-reflective or glossy surfaces.

Your benefits:
A coin was illuminated from four perspectives for evaluation of the taken gray-scale images. The resulting image reveals even the slightest surface irregularities, for example scratches.

Camera-integrated lighting control

Baumer supports you in your shape from shading application with industrial cameras featuring four individually triggered power outputs, with pulse width modulation and an output power of up to 120 W (max. 48 V / 2.5 A). Both illumination and level of brightness are sequentially triggered by the camera and followed by image acquisition and transmission to a PC for evaluation. This eliminates the need for a separate illumination controller, simplifies system design and cuts down on cost and labor for cabling, programming and documentation.

An integrated fast sequence controller and internal image memory – for image capturing in Burst Mode – minimize the required inspection time at high process speeds.

Your benefits:

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