14 gen 2016

Double success: two image processing products by Baumer awarded as inVISION Top Innovation 2016
The LX VisualApplets cameras and VeriSens vision sensors with Color FEX 3D color assistant have been awarded as inVISION Top Innovations 2016.

The Baumer LX VisualApplets cameras with integrated image preprocessing and the VeriSens vision sensors with Color FEX 3D color assistant were awarded as inVISION Top Innovations 2016. For the first time, two products from the same manufacturer have earned recognition by the independent jury of users and manufacturers. Every year, the trade journal inVISION awards prizes for ten outstandingly innovative products and technologies in the field of image processing and optical metrology. „On behalf of inVISION, I like to congratulate Baumer for being awarded twice“, said Peter Ebert, chief editor of the magazine inVISION. „Both products convinced the jury by their innovative technology approach. A great result.“

LX VisualApplets cameras: intelligently solving image preprocessing

The LX VisualApplets cameras are a new camera class by easy image preprocessing straight in the FPGA. The amount of data for transmission and processing is reduced so that the PC-based image processing system does not have to perform algorithms requiring considerable processor power. To the user, this means enhanced application performance or reduced system cost, for example by forgoing on frame grabber. FPGA programming is done with VisualApplets, the graphical development environment by Silicon Software. This way, even users without profound programming knowledge are able to implement complex and application-specific algorithms quickly and flexibly. More information on the LX VisualApplets cameras is available at: www.baumer.com/VisualApplets-Cameras 

VeriSens vision Sensoren with Color FEX 3D color assistant: color inspection made easy

VeriSens models of the XC series revolutionize color set up and inspection thanks to convenient Color FEX 3D color assistant. The relevant object colors are automatically identified and visualized in 3D as color spheres. The radius of each is symbolizing the allowed color tolerance. The resulting absence of sphere collisions ensures reliable color inspection. The intelligent 3D color assistant cuts down on the usual number of color parameters. This way, reliable color inspection is quickly and safely set up without specialized knowledge. More information on VeriSens models with Color FEX: www.baumer.com/ColorFEX 

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