31 ago 2022

Despite the chip crisis: Baumer resumes delivery of industrial cameras
After a redesign, Baumer has resumed delivery of USB cameras like the VCXU in standard lead times.

Right in the midst of the chip crisis, Baumer provides a silver lining behind the clouds over the tense vision market. In August, the expert in industrial cameras and components for automated image processing managed to resume deliveries of USB cameras. After more than a year of supply bottleneck and sharp price increase, this is surely good news to many customers of industrial cameras. When the supply problems caused by FPGA shortage came up, Baumer tried to continue customer supplies under any circumstances. Well-stocked warehouses and a highly motivated team allowed to bridge shortages for a few months.

After the redesign: USB cameras available again

Right at the beginning of the supply problems, Baumer started a camera redesign initiative to replace the FPGAs no longer available by integrated circuits. Baumer now presents a first success to customers. The first 11 models of the versatile cameras with USB interface have been available again since August 2022. This way, a major part of the camera portfolio will be available again soon with standard lead times, all functionalities and in the renown Baumer quality.

Jochen Braun, sales manager Vision products, is confident that both redesigns and the prompt Baumer reaction will provide present and potential customers with a welcome respite. "Finally, we are in a position to support our business partners again, not only with consult but also with products, so that together we will master the chip crisis," says Braun. "VISION in Stuttgart is certainly a good opportunity to meet and talk things over. We expect the high-resolution GigE cameras to be available again in volume quantities by the end of December 2022."

Baumer at VISION in Stuttgart, Germany: Hall 8, Booth 8D40

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