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Insights into successful thesis projects at Baumer

Baumer actively promotes the next generation of sensor technology experts through close collaboration with universities. Two outstanding bachelor projects in the Photonics degree program at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden show how innovative solutions are created. Find out more about the exciting theses and how Baumer accompanies young talents on their way!

Innovation up close: Career Day at Baumer in Frauenfeld

Baumer welcomed electrical engineering students from the ZHAW and offered them exciting insights into engineering life. From product management to production, the students were given various practical insights into our sensor technologies and production.

Baumer is once again awarded the IHK seal of approval for excellent training quality in Berlin

Baumer in Berlin receives the IHK award for excellent training quality for the 4th time. The award rewards a first-class quality of trainings at Baumer Berlin. An investment in the professional future of young talent. Interested in a career? Find out more in the article and visit our job market!

Strengthening partnership-based leadership - leadership training at Baumer

Anyone who has been with in contact with leadership knows that it is a challenging task to lead colleagues, employees or teams. To support managers in this important task Baumer holds regular leadership workshops. Find out more about what awaits our managers there...

Sales Conference 2023 in Friedberg near Frankfurt - A successful look into the future

Our 2023 sales conference in Friedberg offered our sales colleagues both a look back and a look ahead. Knowledge transfer about the latest product developments, workshops, an exuberant dinner and joint preparations for the trade fair strengthened our sales team and its strategy.

„SwissSkills is a brilliant event“

Immediately after his successful apprenticeship as an electronics technician at Baumer, Pascal Bilger secured the runner-up title for electronics technicians at the SwissSkills 2023 vocational championships. How the 19-year-old experienced the competition, what role his training company Baumer plays in it, and what he plans to do next, he tells in this interview. 
Hasta la cima