Le capteur de débit FlexFlow mesure la vitesse d’écoulement des fluides aqueux comme les nettoyants NEP et les boissons. Il fonctionne selon le principe de mesure calorimétrique. Celui-ci permet, en plus de la surveillance de la vitesse d’écoulement, de déterminer aussi la température du fluide.

The calorimetric measurement principle is based on the physical laws of thermal conduction and thermal transfer in liquids and gases. A body with a higher temperature releases energy into its environment in the form of heat. The amount of this energy release depends on the temperature difference and the mass flow rate. This can be used in measuring technology: a heated sensor is cooled by the liquid flowing around it, and the degree of cooling is directly dependent on the mass flowing past it. In addition to the flow rate, the media temperature can also be recorded and monitored with one sensor.

Tutoriel "Gestion des fluides efficace et flexible "

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