If you are slow to respond to the phase change in the CIP process; then you are wasting hundreds of gallons of liquid and losing thousands of dollars

We reduce the use of media in CIP cleaning through more precise media detection. You can achieve media savings of over 250,000 gallons per year through the correct use of the fast-reacting, hygienic and robust CombiLyz conductivity sensor from Baumer.

Use Baumer's CIP savings calculator for your individual calculation of media savings during CIP cleaning in your production.

Calculate your savings based on the short reaction time of the CombiLyz®

Result Day Year
Media loss with standard sensor gal gal
Media loss with Baumer CombiLyz® gal gal
Total saving of liquid gal gal
Clean in place - Solution page
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My name will also be included in the drawing for a table-top water cooler and I accept that Baumer will contact me for further marketing purposes.

(Offer valid for US and Canadian residents)

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