Mar 30, 2023

Baumer quality awarded in India

The worldwide high Baumer quality standards have been long appreciated by customers throughout the continents. Now, the outstanding quality and reliability of the Baumer products and processes have drawn the attention of the Indian trade organization EEPC. In Chennai, Baumer was granted the Quality Silver Award by the Engineering Export Council of India (EEPC) in the category medium-sized companies. During the preceding factory audit, the selection team spent a day examining production processes and internal procedures relating to quality assurance.

"Together with our colleagues at Baumer Technologies India, we are very proud of being awarded by the EEPC. The Quality Award is the official recognition that our sensor solutions and in-house processes meet the highest quality standards and are considered exemplary in India," says Baumer CEO Oliver Vietze. Also the local Baumer management emphasizes the high importance of the Baumer principle "Quality first" applied at any level and stage at work: "We are severely committed to produce and deliver first-class quality products, service and support. To us, the Quality Award is a motivation to even exceed our high standards in the future for the benefit of our customers," emphasizes Shyam Warialani, Managing Director of Baumer Technologies India.

In India, Baumer has been selling sensor solutions from the broad portfolio with own experts since 2007 and in 2010 started the local production of process instruments.

Image: The product and process quality of Baumer Technologies India have convinced also the Indian trade organization EEPC. They granted the sensor expert the Quality Silver Award for outstanding performance. The picture shows the awarding ceremony in Chennai with Minister M. Anbarasan (5th from left), Shyam Warialani (3rd from left) Managing Director Baumer Technologies India, and Kishor Gupta, Head Quality Management Systems & ISO Baumer Technologies India (6th from left). Image: EEPC
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