Aug 3, 2023

Mayor welcomes Baumer to Bristol

Mayor of Bristol, CT, visits CEO and Chairman of the Baumer Group, Oliver Vietze, at new North America’s headquarters.
Mayor of Bristol, Jeff Caggiano (2nd from right), welcomes Baumer and CEO Oliver Vietze (2nd from left) to Bristol.

Mayor of Bristol, Jeff Caggiano and Executive Director, Bristol Development Authority, Justin Malley, recently visited CEO and Chairman of the Baumer Group, Oliver Vietze, his wife Kristiane, and North America’s President Sophie Morneau at the new North American headquarter in Bristol, Connecticut.

“The City of Bristol is honored to welcome the Baumer Group and its team to the City of Bristol,” says Mayor Caggiano.

Earlier this year, Baumer announced plans to expand both its facilities and workforce, due to remarkable growth in North America. Baumer is a global expert in industrial automation, manufacturing high quality sensors, encoders, and industrial cameras. In march, Baumer moved into its new North American headquarter on 5 Century Drive in Bristol, Connecticut.

“We have ambitious goals and are moving forward full force to achieve them,” says North America’s President Sophie Morneau, who is excited about the growth in North America. Baumer has been successful in the USA for more than 40 years, providing innovative smart sensor solutions for renowned US companies.

The City of Bristol is excited that Baumer is moving its North American headquarters to Bristol, adding revenue, jobs, and excitement to the town.

If you have any questions about Baumer, please contact us directly at [email protected] or 800.937.9336

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