With the IO-Link technology, the functions integrated directly in the sensor can be easily parameterized. Sensors are immediately ready to use and optimally adjusted to the respective application. IO-Link also makes it possible to transmit a wide range of additional information directly from the sensor to the OT world or IT world, making for more effective systems - your gateway to the digital factory.

What is IO-Link?

IO-Link is a manufacturer-independent digital communication protocol. It enables bidirectional point-to-point communication, including the exchange of process data, parameters for configuration as well as event and diagnostic data for feedback on faults or additional information. All IO-Link connections are established between an IO-Link master and an IO-Link device (actuator or sensor). These devices are connected to the IO-Link master via unshielded 3-pole standard M8/12 cables. IO-Link is available for a wide range of sensor technologies and can also be integrated into small miniature sensors.

IO-Link masters typically connect to 8 IO-Link devices. The connection to the controller is established via industrial Ethernet protocols (operational technology (OT)). In addition, several IT protocols like OPC UA, MQTT and JSON REST are supported over the same network line. This allows maintenance or management to access sensor data without affecting the OT speed or reliability.

IO-Link in practice

Advantages of IO-Link

  • Easy commissioning & fast sensor exchange

  • Diagnostic data for condition monitoring for optimized processes

  • Loss-free transmission of measured values thanks to digital communication

  • More sensor information for reliable control of systems & machines ​

  • Precise parameterization of sensor functions

  • Efficient engineering thanks to PC-based sensor tools

IO-Link function principle

Cycle time µs Cyclic transmission of process data

Cable length m Between IO-Link master & device

More than Members in the IO-Link Community

More than Mio devices sold & in use in the field

Backward compatibility

As explained in the section What is IO-Link?, IO-Link masters can also read in and output switching signals. All IO-Link devices can also be used as switching devices by default. This ensures backwards compatibility at all times.

IO-Link dual channel

The term "IO-Link dual channel" was coined by Baumer and refers to sensors that have additional switching or analog outputs alongside the IO-Link communication.  
Thanks to IO-Link dual channel, it is possible to operate very fast processes or existing analog interfaces and at the same time enjoy the benefits of IO-Link technology (e.g. parameterization, condition monitoring, etc.).

IO-Link Community

IO-Link Logo

The IO-Link Community brings together more than 500 members worldwide. These members define the IO-Link standard and are continuously refining it. The latest standards include IO-Link Wireless and IO-Link Safety. Baumer is an active member not only of the Community, but also of the Steering Committee.

The logo on the left is used on all IO-Link devices so users can identify them with ease.

In addition, the IO-Link Community operates the IODD finder. The IODD (Input Output Device Description) is a file for describing IO-Link devices. PC-based tools, such as the Baumer Sensor Suite, can use this file to interpret and display IO-Link data independent of the manufacturer. This helps users to quickly understand IO-Link devices and set them up easily.

IO-Link Glossary

To the IO-Link glossary

IO-Link portfolio

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