2023. 10. 10

„SwissSkills is a brilliant event“
Pascal Bilger is one of the best up-and-coming electronics engineers in Switzerland.

Immediately after his successful apprenticeship as an electronics technician at Baumer, Pascal Bilger secured the runner-up title for electronics technicians at the SwissSkills 2023 vocational championships. How the 19-year-old experienced the competition, what role his training company Baumer plays in it, and what he plans to do next, he tells in this interview. 

Congratulations, Pascal! You are one of the best up-and-coming electronics technicians in Switzerland and were even able to secure the runner-up title at the SwissSkills vocational championships in Bern. How did you experience the SwissSkills final round in Bern? 

I found the SwissSkills a brilliant event and was very surprised that there was such a strong team spirit. You do compete against each other and the stress is really high, but at the same time I felt very comfortable in the group. The exchange during the three days of competition was really great. 

Why did you come up with the idea of competing against the best electronics technicians in Switzerland?

When I was in my first year of apprenticeship at Baumer, a colleague had already taken part in the SwissSkills, and it was already clear to me then: I want to do that, too. Our vocational trainer encouraged me in my plan. 

How did you prepare for the competition and how did your training company Baumer support you?

I built the tools you need for the competition, for example the microcontroller board. Baumer supported me in the preparation by giving me time and materials for the preparation, such as electronic components. And if I had any questions, I could of course always get advice from my colleagues.  

You completed your training as an electronics technician at sensor specialist Baumer. What role does the Baumer training concept play in your success at SwissSkills? 

At Baumer, the basics are explained in the first two years of training. In the last two years, you can then apply your knowledge in a very practical way in the company. I think that's cool, and it helped me a lot at SwissSkills because I was able to use the practical experience from the company very well here. 

What were the highlights of your electronics technician training at Baumer? 

I always liked the practical challenges best, where I could contribute something in the company. Especially when I could develop everything myself for a project, from the hardware to the software. 

Baumer wants to contribute to a better future with their smart sensors. What drives you?

My personal drive is the fascination for electronics, combined with my thirst for knowledge. That's why I'm now also going to ETH Zurich to learn the basics in real depth.

Where does your passion for technology come from? What fascinates you about the world of electronics?

The love of technology runs in our family. I find electronics particularly exciting because it's everywhere. I think it's incredibly cool when you look at a circuit, immediately recognize the components and understand how it works.  

What are your plans for the future?

I'm currently doing my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and information technology at ETH Zurich and want to continue until I get my master's degree. Let's see what I do after that: maybe back to industry, research or founding a startup.

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