Mounting prerequisites

When the flow sensor is installed in the higher-level machine, the following must be observed regarding the mounting location:
​​​​​​​  ​​​​​​​
For other key prerequisites for mounting the flowmeter, please see the operating manual. It is available in the download section of the product.

Installation position of the flow sensor

Prior to mounting the flow sensor, the flow direction at the mounting location must be determined. The flow direction through the flow sensor is indicated on the name plate. The flow direction is defined as follows:

Positive flow direction: from – to +
Negative flow direction: from + to –
Change in the flow direction
If the flow direction is changed for system-related reasons, the flow sensor does not have to be dismantled. Only the plus/minus signs of the KA parameters in the BCP operating software must be changed.

When the flow sensor is mounted in a pipe system, inlet and outlet paths must be included. This compensates for interference from curves, valves, pumps, reductions, and
similar. Locking and adjusting elements should never be placed directly in front of the flow sensor.


The following should be observed regarding the installation position of the flow sensor:

​​​​​​​The flow sensor must be installed in such a way that the measurement pipe is always completely filled.
When the flow sensor is installed vertically, installation in an ascending pipe is preferable. If required, consult us before installing the sensor in a descending pipe.
Use anti-vibration compensators when installing the flow sensor in long pipes.
Comply with the inlet and outlet paths when installing the flow sensor before or after curves, valves, reductions etc.
The following installation positions are to be avoided:


All system parameters must be set before commissioning. The flow meter can be configured and operated via the BCP operation software or via the display for the versions PF75H/S. The functions and settings are identical, and both menus have a similar structure.

For more information about the installation and operation of the BCP software, see: 

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