Anyone who has been with in contact with leadership knows that it is a challenging task to lead colleagues, employees or teams. A sensible instinct is required if a good balance is to be found between trust, direction and appreciation.
To support managers in this important task and ensure a common understanding of leadership based on partnership, Baumer holds regular leadership workshops. The training sessions alternate between Baumer locations and include managers from different management levels and specialist areas. Thus, a colorful mix that creates space for analysis, exchange and discussion.
Topics such as self-management (How do I work efficiently?), effective communication (How do I communicate with my counterpart in a way that is appropriate to the target group?), team dynamics (What factors need to be taken into account in the team?) and work-life balance (How do I ensure that my team works efficiently and healthily at the same time?) are covered. Self-reflection also plays an important role: managers assess themselves using a personality inventory and take a critical look at their results. In group tasks, the managers adopt new perspectives, work with best practice examples and exchange ideas about their roles in their specialist areas. Two intensive days of workshops thus sharpen the common understanding of leadership at Baumer with plenty of theoretical and practical tools, various "aha" moments and in line with our company value «partnership».