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Baumer ultrasonic sensor UF200 wins AutomationsBest Award

New NexSonic ultrasonic sensor UF200 from Baumer wins the AutomationsBest Award. With NexSonic, Baumer has developed a measurably better ultrasonic technology. It enables very fast response times, an extremely short blind range and smart filter functions, opening up new ways for smart automation.
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Baumer GigE Vision camera wins inspect award 2024

The user-friendly all-in-one concept of the new IX cameras from Baumer is already attracting particular attention shortly after its market launch. The compact camera cube, which combines autofocus, optics and lighting in a robust housing, has now been awarded first place in the inspect award.
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SPS 2024: Smart automation with Baumer sensor solutions

Intelligent manufacturing starts with the sensor. At SPS 2024, Baumer will demonstrate how their latest sensors enable innovative solutions in factory automation. The focus will be on the versatile ultrasonic sensors with the unique NexSonic technology and the ground-breaking new encoder models.

Ispezione dell'invisibile con le telecamere SWIR di Baumer

Baumer amplia il suo portafoglio di telecamere per la visione artificiale con telecamere SWIR ad alte prestazioni. Con le nuove termocamere CX.SWIR.XC, Baumer consente ora un livello di precisione mai raggiunto prima per le attività di ispezione nella gamma spettrale dell'infrarosso.

Tutto in un unico alloggiamento: Baumer lancia la telecamera compatta GigE Vision

Una telecamera GigE Vision poco ingombrante e pronta all’uso in pochi semplici passaggi: con la nuova serie IX, Baumer dimostra che la messa in servizio e l’utilizzo delle telecamere GigE Vision possono essere estremamente semplici.

Baumer ultrasonic sensor named 2024 Top New Product

US trade magazine OEM Off-Highway has selected the UF401V as one of the outstanding new mobile on- and off-road equipment products of 2024.
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