The sequencer enables the possibility of image series recording including automated re-parameterization of the camera based on different events and signals. Therefore the desired camera settings for each step are stored in so-called sequencer sets. Stringing together a number of these sequencer sets results in a sequence. The connection of sequences is done by using different paths. Alongside the camera features the path related features are also part of a sequencer set.
Sequencer sets combine camera features – comparable with a user set – and sequencer (set and path) related parameters.
Settings for several camera features such as
can be controlled by the sequencer and thus stored to a sequencer set as well as information for the set switch-over via four different paths.
Each path involves
As with user sets the camera’s current settings are overwritten once a sequencer set is loaded and the sequencer is activated.
In order to avoid overwriting current camera settings while configuring a sequencer, the camera needs to be set to the sequencer configuration mode. Once the camera is set to the sequencer configuration mode, the individual sequencer sets can be selected via the SequencerSetSelector, configured and saved by executing SequencerSetSave. Starting the configured sequence requires to switch the sequencer configuration mode off and to enable the sequencer mode.
Features | Values | Description |
SequencerMode | On/Off | Enables / disables the sequencer mechanism
To use this feature, the SequencerConfigurationMode must be off. |
SequencerConfigurationMode | On/Off | Enables / disables the sequencer configuration mode
Here the sequencer configuration can take place but there is no image acquisition.
To use this feature, the SequencerMode must be off. |
SequencerFeatureSelector | ExposureTime Gain (All) OffsetX OffsetY Width Height UserOutputValueAll UserOutputValue CounterEventSource CounterEventActivation CounterResetSource CounterResetActivation CounterDuration TriggerMode | Selects the camera features that are controlled by the sequencer. |
SequencerFeatureEnable | true/false [RO] | Enables / disables the selected feature. |
SequencerSetSelector | 0…127 | Selects the sequencer set that contains the feature settings coming afterward. |
SequencerSetSave |
| Stores the current device settings to the selected sequencer set. |
SequencerSetLoad |
| Loads the currently selected sequencer set. |
SequencerSetActive | 0…127 [RO] | Displays the currently active sequencer set. |
SequencerSetStart | 0…127 | Defines the initial sequencer set. |
SequencerPathSelector | 0…3 | Selects the path that contains the settings coming afterward. |
SequencerSetNext | 0…127 | Defines the Set, that will be next |
SequencerTriggerSource | Counter1End Counter2End ExposureActive Line0 ReadoutActive Timer1End Off | Defines the internal or external event that is used as trigger source for the sequencer. |
SequencerTriggerActivation | RisingEdge FallingEdge AnyEdge | Defines the signals edge that triggers the sequencer. |
| The grey marked features are only available in the sequencer configuration mode. |